Karaoke World Championships USA
Frequently Asked Questions
Who Can Try Out for KWCUSA?...
A contestant must represent a single country. They must have lived in the country for over 3 years or have citizenship (i.e. a national passport and social security number) of the country they are representing.
Is there an Age Restriction?..
The age of entry in the Karaoke World Championships within the United States is 21*.
(*The official age of entry for the International competition is 18. Minimum age of entry may vary by country)
What defines an "Amateur" singer?...
For the context of this contest within the US an amateur singer is one that does not perform for a living making over 50% of their income in a professional capacity, regardless of whether or not they have a day job; Does not perform in 52 or more shows a year. Does not have a signed recording contract as a singer with a professional label and/or does not have a manager.
What if I perform occasionally?...
If an entrant meets the above criteria but performs occasionally, used to perform professionally, or has a CD release, they cannot have previously been signed a major label recording deal within the past 5 years. If they have a CD or recordings available to the public, they must have paid for the entire production themselves, i.e. it is not the result of a major label recording contract within the past 5 years to be eligible for amateur status.
What if I have participated on a major vocal TV show?...
Participants in major vocal television shows will be considered as amateur singers as long as they did not win the show they were on, were not included in the final rounds of the competition and were not given any contractual obligations that might be in conflict with participating in the full KWCUSA competition season.
What if I have been a finalist in KWC in the past?...
Singers from previous years are welcome to compete again after 2 years (*except any first-place world champion winners).
Do I have to try out in person?...
If you would like to represent your local venue and then your state on the official state team at the KWCUSA National Finals you must try out in person at an official Local Talent Trial Location. (*Video Talent Trials will also be held for those in areas with no KWCUSA Local Talent Trial Locations or those that are not able to compete on a state level.)
Will finals be on a stage?...
The 2023 KWCUSA Finals will be held LIVE on stage in Las Vegas Nevada for 2023.
Are There Prizes?...
Yes! The 1st place KWCUSA winner for 2023 will receive airfare and accommodations in the 2023 host country of Panama to represent Team USA in the 2023 World Finals. The remaining cash awards and prizes are found listed on this website under the prizes tab. The biggest prize in the KWCUSA is something provided to everyone competitor no matter their final rankings in the connections and friendships with an incredible group of like minded artists and individuals from around the country and around the world!